How to convert a building into an apart-hotel in Vienna: permits and important aspects - Dwell Bell

How to convert a building into an apart-hotel in Vienna: permits and important aspects

Aug 16, 2024 11:30:00 AM

Converting an existing building into an apart-hotel in Vienna is a process that requires careful preparation and numerous legal and technical aspects. Whether you already own a property or are planning to purchase one, you need to be aware of the zoning districts in which the building is located, obtain the relevant building permits, and comply with all safety regulations. 

Initial evaluation 

The first step is a preliminary valuation of the property, which begins with determining the zone in which the property is located. In Vienna, there are residential or “Wohnzonen”, which have a special status for the protection of architectural monuments or natural sites. Buildings located in these zones are subject to special rules and restrictions on reconstruction.

If your property is in one of those residential zones, obtaining approval is nearly impossible. It’s better to avoid considering that property altogether.  On the other hand, if the building is located in a conventional zone, the process of obtaining planning permission will be much easier. 

Once the zoning has been determined, you should contact a professional architect to assess the technical condition of the building. It is important to understand this to assess the extent of changes required to convert the property into an apart-hotel and how this may affect the overall project budget. 

Particular attention should be paid to the building’s compliance with static standards. Conversion to an apart-hotel involves changing the layout to accommodate more people in a limited space. This involves dividing large apartments into smaller ones, which increases the number of occupants and consequently the load on the building structure.

If the assessment shows that the existing structure will not be able to support the increased load, measures such as reconstructing the foundation, reinforcing existing beams and columns, and adding new support elements such as steel or concrete beams can be taken. Of course, these works can significantly increase the cost of the whole project and this should be taken into account when developing the financial model.

Technical and building standards

Fire safety is a critical component in the process of converting a building into an apart-hotel. A number of fire safety standards must be met, including the installation of fire doors, a fire alarm system in each unit, and a ventilation system to ensure that smoke and toxic gases are removed in the event of a fire.

To ensure energy efficiency and compliance with building regulations, thermal insulation must be considered. Refurbishing the facades to include thermal insulation is one of the most expensive parts of the project, but it is a necessary step to improve the energy efficiency of the building. It will also significantly reduce the heating and air conditioning costs of future use, increase its overall attractiveness, and provide comfortable conditions for the apart-hotel residents. 

For apart-hotels, it is also important to consider additional technical aspects such as soundproofing, security systems, ventilation and lighting to ensure the appropriate level of privacy, safety and comfort for guests.

Obtaining permits

Several permits are required from the local authorities to start work on a property. The most important of these are the building permit “Baubewilligung” and the operating license “Betriebsanlagengenehmigung”. 

A building permit is an official permission to change the structure of a building, issued by the local authorities after reviewing architectural and engineering plans. The approval process involves the submission of detailed documentation that must comply with all building regulations and requirements, including safety, statics, energy efficiency and environmental impact. 

An operating license is a permit that confirms that a property meets all the requirements for use as an apart-hotel. The standards that must be met depend on the number of beds. The more beds you plan to have in the apart-hotel, the higher the standards will be. It is worth noting that this permit must be obtained before construction or conversion of the establishment begins. 

The approval process can take up to 6 months if all documents are submitted correctly and in accordance with the law. If there are any deficiencies or if not all documents are submitted to the relevant magistrates, the process may be delayed. 

Professional support 

Converting a building into an apart-hotel in Vienna is a complex and multifaceted process that requires detailed planning and consideration of many legal and technical aspects. From choosing the right location to obtaining all the necessary permits and complying with building regulations, each step is critical to the success of the project. 

If you are considering converting your property into an apart-hotel, we recommend that you seek professional help from market players with experience in such projects. This will help you save time and avoid possible mistakes in the process of obtaining permits and complying with all regulations.

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